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Main.ElifSahin 11 May 2018 TDR_HISPEC_DESPEC_AIDA_public.pdf
Final Lise Files
Cabling the detector The orientation of the detectors is predetermined by the honey comb structure. In general we have: * Agata Triple Cryostat (ATC), consisti...
back to SWiki.TopicList AGATA detector at GSI * SWiki.AgataS001Detector: detector specification, information material, spectroscopy test, etc * SWiki.Agata...
Dismounting AGATA at LNL Boxes from LNL List of boxes coming from LNL (with dimension) Pictures from dismounting and packing at LNL First day Cables and...
back to AgataDetector In Beam Test of AGATA S001 * Expected test dates: 17 23 September, 2010 * SWiki.TestAim * target_frame.pdf: Design of target frame...
back to AgataDetector Infrastructure Overview Table * list.ods: Infrastructure List (OpenOffice format) * list.xls: Infrastructure List (Microsoft Excel f...
AGATA at GSI Logistic * AGATA Construction Database Homepage * Video Tutorial about the AGATA Construction Database * Dismounting AGATA at LNL To do in A...
back to AgataDetector AGATA MC Simulations * Check also SWiki.AgataPresentations link * bkp_mc_agata.tgz: Full Geant4 MC code for AGATA Simulation with...
Agata Mechanics GWiki.TestExperiments GWiki.TargetChamber PreSpecInstalation / AgataInstalation Main.PlamenSBoutachkov 21 Jan 2011
back to AgataDetector AGATA Presentations * AGATA_Infrastructure_GSI.pdf: AGATA@GSI Infrastructure Meeting, GSI, April 2010 (Pete Jones) * IstanbulAGATA....
back to AgataDetector AGATA S001 Detector * manual_S001_SN73838.pdf: CANBERRA Manual for S001 canister * report_S001_SN73838.pdf: S001 Acceptance report fr...
back to AgataDetector SCANNER: Gamma Ray Imaging based Pulse Shape Characterization * First Agata Scan with this system started on Friday, 20th August 2010: ...
Main.MichaeReese 21 Jul 2013 In all of the following cases: If you do a local installation (inside a user folder) make sure that the environment variables for the...
BGO TU Darmstadt bought 10 DEGAS BGOs from Scionix. Datasheets first 3 BGIs Letzte7BGOs.pdf TDR_HISPEC_DESPEC_DEGAS_public.pdf
Data Fitting Pulse shape analysis can be regarded as an inverse problem. Knowing the response of the detector we would like to infer the interaction position, dep...
DIGITIZERS Digitizer's Manual * Digitiser_Manual_v1.01.pdf: DIGITIZER's MANUAL: Step by step procedure(s) to programme IP’s, to download bitstream to digitize...
back to AgataDetector Simulated Gamma Ray Detection Efficiency (reference values) * Gamma Ray Efficieny values for the high efficiency AGATA Configuration (...
Experiment preparation * SeptemberRun2010 Main.StephanePietri 31 Aug 2010
Main.ElifSahin 11 May 2018 TDR_HISPEC_DESPEC_FATIMA_public.pdf
The FINGER detector is a segmented plastic scintillator detector. This detector will be used as a start time of flight detector at S2 focal plane of FRS.
Main.ElifSahin 16 May 2018 Simple description of the scientific activity linked to the FRS
select, 1, 8:00 16:00, 16:00 24:00 text, 20, name " changerows="on" javascriptinterface="on"}% date Time Name 18 Sep 2010 16:00 24:00 Fabio An...
Main.MichaeReese 21 Jul 2013 WARNING: fairy is not documented yet to a point that one can use it without assistance Build the fairy core program * get the fair...
Full Detector Scan To scan a volume, one can apply the SinglePointScan for each single voxel. The graphical cut on the PSD can be made less expensive whenthe even...
Status 7 Galileo Clusters are at LNL
The GSI Scanning Table Software * ToDo Online Analysis The main task of the online analysis is to infer the positions on the PSD from the light collection pro...
back to AgataDetector Infrastructure Overview Table * list_web.htm: Infrastructure Table Overview Main.CesarDomingo 31 Aug 2010
Drawings * RISINGAlignmentPictures Main.CesarDomingo 03 Sep 2010
List of V0 Classes Class/File Category Description Usage Status Lateration PSC This class can be used to find the best fit to a given signal amo...
Main.MichaeReese 20 Jul 2013 Installation of prespec package: * Get the software by typing =git clone agatagsi #64;lx * CMakeBuild ...
Photos of the PreSPEC Instalation : The plate is cut and the plates for the rails are installed The position of the LYCCA legs The position of the LYCC...
back to AgataDetector Present Action * 01.09.10 All LMD files have been transfered to the tape robot * 01.09.10 Creating 150 root files (1:1 LMD) for proje...
PulSAr Pulse Shape Analysis for the GSI Scanner The aim of this project is to provide a framework for (offline) analysis of data from the GSI Scanning table and r...
Kickoff Meeting The kick off meeting was held on 17.10.2014. * presentation.pdf: Timing correction for Germanium Detectors via Signal Rise time Analysis (M.Bal...
Misc root @ GSI windows Probably with the change to windows 7 at GSI, there have been environmental variables introduced that interfere with the root environment...
RISING 3.9.2010 Main.CesarDomingo 03 Sep 2010 * Fig.1: * Fig.2: * Fig.3: * Fig.4: * Fig.5: * Fig.6:
Scanning Table Coordinate System and Projections For the coordinates in the scanned detector and the two PSD positions, a single global coordinate system can be u...
Meeting Minutes * Minutes related to PRESPEC AGATA test : GWiki.AgataMeetingMinutes (summaries of the group meetings hold so far on the AGATA test for the PRES...
Software used at PreSPEC * UseOfGeantAtGsi * PreSpecDataAnalysis * PulSAr Main.MichaeReese 19 Feb 2013
back to AgataDetector Examples of AGATA S001 Netto and Transient Charge Signals * Example 1: gamma ray hits in Segments A5 and A6, transient signals in neighb...
back to AgataDetector back to AgataInBeamTest Aim of the in beam test * Background (core segments) trigger rate in close geometry conditions (similar to th...
* online * detector "topology": segment nb segments * prepare traces (remove baseline, normalize, time align, estimate noise, select segments) ...
PreSPEC * Software * AGATA at GSI Logistic * PreSPEC AGATA Proposals (Restricted Access) * Digitizers * AGATA Installation at GSI * Dismounting AG...
Using the GSI installation of Geant4 There are different versions of Geant4 installed at GSI. An installation of geant4.9.5 can be found at /usr/local/pub/debia...
User's Guides * Go4_hg_guide.pdf: Using PRESPEC Go4 with version control system Main.FredericAmeil 24 Feb 2011
NEW - 2004-08-16 - 00:17 by ArthurClemens
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Gamma Spectroscopy Group Wiki Welcome, ! This is a portal to the Wiki page of the GammaSpectroscopy group at GSI. Follow the TopicList to discover more about ou...
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* Gamma Spectroscopy * Welcome * Internal (GWiki) * Main Topics * DESPEC 0 * AIDA * FATIMA * DEGAS * GALILE...
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Topic revision: r2 - 2001-11-24, PeterThoeny
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2025-03-11 - 01:35

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