
The kick-off meeting was held on 17.10.2014.

  • presentation.pdf: Timing correction for Germanium Detectors via Signal Rise-time Analysis (M.Balogh)

During the meeting it was decided, that highest priority should be given to the analysis of the data from the AGATA scan from spring 2014. However, the full analysis is rather involved and will benefit from having a framework available that implements common PSA tasks and algorithms. Other applications of the same framework could include "Timing corrections for Germanium Detectors" (see attached presentation) and imaging activities in our lab. Reusability requires careful separation of any data in/output and algorithms. Interfaces (i.e. pure abstract classes in C++) provide a straightforward way to realize plugins. For a particular task it might be sufficient for the user to specify how his data is read from / written to disk and to change certain parameters of algorithms (without deeply digging into the source code). Of particular importance is testing and documentation. It is planned to provide a test function for each function in the framework. These test functions serve as a first step of debugging, but also as example code for the user. For documentation JavaDoc-style¹ annotations will be used that can be interpreted by DoxyGen² to create a html-based documentation. As a central place for documents and information, this wiki will be used.



-- TobiasHabermann - 11 Feb 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-11, TobiasHabermann
Create personal sidebar

2025-03-11 - 04:29

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