Dismounting AGATA at LNL

Boxes from LNL

List of boxes coming from LNL (with dimension)

Pictures from dismounting and packing at LNL

Start presentation

Slide 1: First day

Slide 2: Cables and mechanics boxes

Slide 3: Holding rings

Slide 4: Holding rings

Slide 5: Mechanical parts

Slide 6: Honeycomb without detectors and digitizer boxes

Slide 7: Cable boxes. What was packed after 2 days.

Slide 8: What was packed after 2 days. ATCA crate box.

Slide 9: Cooling frame. ATCA crate boxes.

Slide 10: Dismounting the honeycomb.

Slide 11: Dismounting the honeycomb, and putting it on a palette

Slide 12: The honeycomb on the palette.

Slide 13: What was packed after 1 week. The honeycomb box open.

Slide 14: The honeycomb box open, and then closed

Slide 15: Everything is packed on 18.01.2011

Slide 16: Loading the truck

Slide 17: The truck is leaving on 19.01.2011 at 10 am

Slide 18: Celebration

Topic revision: r10 - 2012-01-19, FredericAmeil
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2025-03-10 - 23:13

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