The GSI Scanning Table


* ToDo

Online Analysis

The main task of the online analysis is to infer the positions on the PSD from the light collection profile on the x/y anodes.

Offline Analysis

The main task of the offline analysis is to identify the detector response for given positions inside the detector. Signals from the front scan and from the side scan that possibly originate from the same position inside the detector are compared to find the best fitting pairs. If the scanned detector really is position sensitive, these matching pairs of signals correspond to identical interaction positions in the detector.

* ScanningTableCoordinateSystemAndProjections

* SinglePointScan

* FullDetectorScan

-- TobiasHabermann - 11 Feb 2015
Topic revision: r2 - 2016-02-02, TobiasHabermann
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2025-03-11 - 04:22

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