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AGATA detector at GSI

  • AgataS001Detector: detector specification, information material, spectroscopy test, etc

  • AgataInBeamTest: plans and material for the forthcomming test at GSI, time-over-threshold, etc

  • AgataPresentations: mostly about Simulation results, but also about design, double-clusters, etc

  • AgataScan: pulse-shape characterization of AGATA detectors using the imaging-based scanning system, just some pictures

  • AgataMCSimulations: simulation programs to prepare proposals, summary of efficiency results, etc

  • SomeAgataTraces: examples of some traces taken recently with the Struck SIS3302 digitizers

  • PresentAction: to communicate between us about any action which might interfere with each other, e.g. transfer of files to tape robot,etc

  • AgataInfrastructure: an overview table of infrastructure material needed for the AGATA setup at GSI

Installing the AGATA detector at GSI

-- CesarDomingo - 26 Aug 2010
Topic revision: r15 - 2012-04-16, PlamenSBoutachkov
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2025-02-12 - 15:23

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