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Examples of AGATA S001 Netto and Transient Charge Signals

  • Example 1: gamma-ray hits in Segments A5 and A6, transient signals in neighbouring segments B5 and B6
    Example 1

  • Example 2: gamma-hit in segment C5 veeery close to the (lower) segment C4, and a bit closer to raw D rather than B
    Example 2

  • Example 3: gamma-hit in segment C3, with induced signals in many neighbouring segments (B2,B3,C1,C2,D1,D2 and D3)
    Example 3:

  • Example 4: gamma-hit approx. in the center of segment B2, much closer to the raw C rather than to the A segments
    Example 4

-- CesarDomingo - 26 Aug 2010
Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-30, PlamenBoutachkov
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2025-03-11 - 04:12

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