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In Beam Test of AGATA S001

  • Expected test dates: 17-23 September, 2010

  • target_frame.pdf: Design of target frame for in-beam tests with extended target

  • Saturated traces + INHC signals from cosmics with Oscilloscope (Attachment 1)

  • Saturated traces + INHC signals from cosmics with Oscilloscope (Attachment 2)

  • (Left) Lead Target 100x75x0.5 mm size, two pieces available (Right) Target with Aluminium frame:
    (Left) Lead Target 100x75x0.5 mm size, two pieces available (Right) Target with Aluminium frame

-- CesarDomingo - 01 Sep 2010
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
event_bsl_slope.gifgif event_bsl_slope.gif manage 8 K 2010-08-25 - 16:09 CesarDomingo Saturated traces + INHC signals from cosmics with Oscilloscope
event_high_energy.gifgif event_high_energy.gif manage 9 K 2010-08-25 - 16:11 CesarDomingo Saturated traces + INHC signals from cosmics with Oscilloscope (attachment 2)
osci_data_cosmics.tgztgz osci_data_cosmics.tgz manage 7 MB 2010-08-25 - 16:12 CesarDomingo Oscilloscope data containing saturated traces for ToT method (from Cosmics)
Topic revision: r3 - 2010-09-01, CesarDomingo
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2025-03-11 - 04:26

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