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Cabling the detector The orientation of the detectors is predetermined by the honey comb structure. In general we have: * Agata Triple Cryostat (ATC), consisti...
back to AgataDetector In Beam Test of AGATA S001 * Expected test dates: 17 23 September, 2010 * SWiki.TestAim * target_frame.pdf: Design of target frame...
back to AgataDetector Infrastructure Overview Table * list.ods: Infrastructure List (OpenOffice format) * list.xls: Infrastructure List (Microsoft Excel f...
back to AgataDetector AGATA MC Simulations * Check also SWiki.AgataPresentations link * bkp_mc_agata.tgz: Full Geant4 MC code for AGATA Simulation with...
back to AgataDetector AGATA Presentations * AGATA_Infrastructure_GSI.pdf: AGATA@GSI Infrastructure Meeting, GSI, April 2010 (Pete Jones) * IstanbulAGATA....
back to AgataDetector AGATA S001 Detector * manual_S001_SN73838.pdf: CANBERRA Manual for S001 canister * report_S001_SN73838.pdf: S001 Acceptance report fr...
back to AgataDetector SCANNER: Gamma Ray Imaging based Pulse Shape Characterization * First Agata Scan with this system started on Friday, 20th August 2010: ...
back to AgataDetector Simulated Gamma Ray Detection Efficiency (reference values) * Gamma Ray Efficieny values for the high efficiency AGATA Configuration (...
back to AgataDetector Infrastructure Overview Table * list_web.htm: Infrastructure Table Overview Main.CesarDomingo 31 Aug 2010
back to AgataDetector Present Action * 01.09.10 All LMD files have been transfered to the tape robot * 01.09.10 Creating 150 root files (1:1 LMD) for proje...
back to AgataDetector Examples of AGATA S001 Netto and Transient Charge Signals * Example 1: gamma ray hits in Segments A5 and A6, transient signals in neighb...
back to AgataDetector back to AgataInBeamTest Aim of the in beam test * Background (core segments) trigger rate in close geometry conditions (similar to th...
PreSPEC * Software * AGATA at GSI Logistic * PreSPEC AGATA Proposals (Restricted Access) * Digitizers * AGATA Installation at GSI * Dismounting AG...
Statistics for SWiki Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 14
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