Cabling the detector
The orientation of the detectors is predetermined by the honey comb structure. In general we have:
- Agata Triple Cryostat (ATC), consisting of Red, Green and Blue capsules, or equivalently crystals types A,B,C.
- Agata Double Cryostat (ADC), consisting of B and C crystals. The Red one is missing. The missing Red capsule points to the beam.
The connection schema for the cables on the capsule, looking from the side with the connectors, is shown bellow.

I stands for core.
The letters corresponds to sectors. Here is the the labeling convention for the capsule.
If one faces an ATC the going clockwise we have Red(A), Green(B), Blue(C)
Then under the above connection A1 of a given crystal is at the common corner between the Red, Green and Blue. It is a good idea to use a low energy gamma source to crosscheck.
The capsule is connected to two digitizers. The correspondence between the cables labels and the digitizer labels is:
First digitizer:
- I--> Core
- A --> Segment 1
- B --> Segment 2
second digitizer
- C--> Segment 1
- D --> Segment 2
- E --> Segment 3
- F --> Segment 4
We have to use the new black cables to connect the detectors. They are not labels and are not in the database at the moment.
The optic fibers are connected starting with the lowest number to the Core and the in increasing numbers to the Segment with the lowest avalable number.
For instance:
First digitizer:
- Core --> I --> fiber 1
- A --> Segment 1 --> fiber 2
- B --> Segment 2 --> fiber 3
Second digitizer:
- C --> Segment 1 --> fiber 4
- D --> Segment 2 --> fiber 5
- E --> Segment 3 --> fiber 6
- F --> Segment 4 --> fiber 7
The digitizers are connected from bottom to top in the racks. First we have ADCs then follow the ATCs.
First we connect Red then Green then Blue. Or Green the Blue, then Red is missing.
Dino is working on a figure which shown the position and the labels of all crystals looking from the beam direction.
John will provide the angles at which the crystals are, relative to the beam axis.
PlamenSBoutachkov - 31 Mar 2012