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g-wiki's SWiki web The Documentation Web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2025 by contributing authors g-wiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of g-wiki g-wiki Powered by Foswiki, The Free and Open Source Wiki.SWiki GALILEO Status 7 Galileo Clusters are at LNL (last changed by PhilippJohn) 2021-01-19T09:20:55+01:00 PhilippJohn DEGAS BGO TU Darmstadt bought 10 DEGAS BGOs from Scionix. Datasheets first 3 BGIs Letzte7BGOs.pdf TDR_HISPEC_DESPEC_DEGAS_public.pdf (last changed by PhilippJohn) 2019-02-12T13:39:10+01:00 PhilippJohn AgataInfrastructure back to AgataDetector Infrastructure Overview Table * list.ods: Infrastructure List (OpenOffice format) * list.xls: Infrastructure List (Microsoft Excel f... (last changed by PlamenBoutachkov) 2018-07-17T10:39:55+02:00 PlamenBoutachkov WebHome Gamma Spectroscopy Group Wiki Welcome, ! This is a portal to the Wiki page of the GammaSpectroscopy group at GSI. Follow the TopicList to discover more about ou... (last changed by PlamenSBoutachkov) 2018-05-29T08:30:08+02:00 PlamenSBoutachkov WebLeftBar * Gamma Spectroscopy * Welcome * Internal (GWiki) * Main Topics * DESPEC 0 * AIDA * FATIMA * DEGAS * GALILE... (last changed by ElifSahin) 2018-05-18T15:33:26+02:00 ElifSahin FRS Main.ElifSahin 16 May 2018 Simple description of the scientific activity linked to the FRS (last changed by ElifSahin) 2018-05-16T15:19:13+02:00 ElifSahin FINGER The FINGER detector is a segmented plastic scintillator detector. This detector will be used as a start time of flight detector at S2 focal plane of FRS. (last changed by SudiptaSaha) 2018-05-15T21:01:38+02:00 SudiptaSaha FATIMA Main.ElifSahin 11 May 2018 TDR_HISPEC_DESPEC_FATIMA_public.pdf (last changed by ElifSahin) 2018-05-11T15:18:22+02:00 ElifSahin AIDA Main.ElifSahin 11 May 2018 TDR_HISPEC_DESPEC_AIDA_public.pdf (last changed by ElifSahin) 2018-05-11T15:16:01+02:00 ElifSahin ToDo * online * detector "topology": segment nb segments * prepare traces (remove baseline, normalize, time align, estimate noise, select segments) ... (last changed by TobiasHabermann) 2016-02-02T15:18:09+01:00 TobiasHabermann GSIScanningTable The GSI Scanning Table Software * ToDo Online Analysis The main task of the online analysis is to infer the positions on the PSD from the light collection pro... (last changed by TobiasHabermann) 2016-02-02T12:48:25+01:00 TobiasHabermann ScanningTableCoordinateSystemAndProjections Scanning Table Coordinate System and Projections For the coordinates in the scanned detector and the two PSD positions, a single global coordinate system can be u... (last changed by TobiasHabermann) 2015-03-19T15:24:44+01:00 TobiasHabermann DataFitting Data Fitting Pulse shape analysis can be regarded as an inverse problem. Knowing the response of the detector we would like to infer the interaction position, dep... (last changed by TobiasHabermann) 2015-02-11T14:05:14+01:00 TobiasHabermann PulsarKickoffMeeting Kickoff Meeting The kick off meeting was held on 17.10.2014. * presentation.pdf: Timing correction for Germanium Detectors via Signal Rise time Analysis (M.Bal... (last changed by TobiasHabermann) 2015-02-11T13:16:47+01:00 TobiasHabermann PulSAr PulSAr Pulse Shape Analysis for the GSI Scanner The aim of this project is to provide a framework for (offline) analysis of data from the GSI Scanning table and r... (last changed by TobiasHabermann) 2015-02-11T13:13:50+01:00 TobiasHabermann PulsarMisc Misc root @ GSI windows Probably with the change to windows 7 at GSI, there have been environmental variables introduced that interfere with the root environment... (last changed by TobiasHabermann) 2015-02-11T13:09:57+01:00 TobiasHabermann

Topic revision: r2 - 2004-08-16, PeterThoeny
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2025-03-10 - 23:07

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