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Results from SWiki web retrieved at 06:02 (Local)

Data Fitting Pulse shape analysis can be regarded as an inverse problem. Knowing the response of the detector we would like to infer the interaction position, dep...
Full Detector Scan To scan a volume, one can apply the SinglePointScan for each single voxel. The graphical cut on the PSD can be made less expensive whenthe even...
The GSI Scanning Table Software * ToDo Online Analysis The main task of the online analysis is to infer the positions on the PSD from the light collection pro...
List of V0 Classes Class/File Category Description Usage Status Lateration PSC This class can be used to find the best fit to a given signal amo...
Kickoff Meeting The kick off meeting was held on 17.10.2014. * presentation.pdf: Timing correction for Germanium Detectors via Signal Rise time Analysis (M.Bal...
Misc root @ GSI windows Probably with the change to windows 7 at GSI, there have been environmental variables introduced that interfere with the root environment...
Scanning Table Coordinate System and Projections For the coordinates in the scanned detector and the two PSD positions, a single global coordinate system can be u...
Software used at PreSPEC * UseOfGeantAtGsi * PreSpecDataAnalysis * PulSAr Main.MichaeReese 19 Feb 2013
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