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Results from Main web retrieved at 13:57 (Local)

Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
List of g wiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .UserRegistration. This will create an account for you whi...
Number of topics: 2

Results from SWiki web retrieved at 13:57 (Local)

back to SWiki.TopicList AGATA detector at GSI * SWiki.AgataS001Detector: detector specification, information material, spectroscopy test, etc * SWiki.Agata...
back to AgataDetector In Beam Test of AGATA S001 * Expected test dates: 17 23 September, 2010 * SWiki.TestAim * target_frame.pdf: Design of target frame...
back to AgataDetector Infrastructure Overview Table * list.ods: Infrastructure List (OpenOffice format) * list.xls: Infrastructure List (Microsoft Excel f...
back to AgataDetector AGATA MC Simulations * Check also SWiki.AgataPresentations link * bkp_mc_agata.tgz: Full Geant4 MC code for AGATA Simulation with...
back to AgataDetector AGATA Presentations * AGATA_Infrastructure_GSI.pdf: AGATA@GSI Infrastructure Meeting, GSI, April 2010 (Pete Jones) * IstanbulAGATA....
back to AgataDetector AGATA S001 Detector * manual_S001_SN73838.pdf: CANBERRA Manual for S001 canister * report_S001_SN73838.pdf: S001 Acceptance report fr...
back to AgataDetector SCANNER: Gamma Ray Imaging based Pulse Shape Characterization * First Agata Scan with this system started on Friday, 20th August 2010: ...
back to AgataDetector Simulated Gamma Ray Detection Efficiency (reference values) * Gamma Ray Efficieny values for the high efficiency AGATA Configuration (...
back to AgataDetector Infrastructure Overview Table * list_web.htm: Infrastructure Table Overview Main.CesarDomingo 31 Aug 2010
Drawings * RISINGAlignmentPictures Main.CesarDomingo 03 Sep 2010
back to AgataDetector Present Action * 01.09.10 All LMD files have been transfered to the tape robot * 01.09.10 Creating 150 root files (1:1 LMD) for proje...
RISING 3.9.2010 Main.CesarDomingo 03 Sep 2010 * Fig.1: * Fig.2: * Fig.3: * Fig.4: * Fig.5: * Fig.6:
back to AgataDetector Examples of AGATA S001 Netto and Transient Charge Signals * Example 1: gamma ray hits in Segments A5 and A6, transient signals in neighb...
back to AgataDetector back to AgataInBeamTest Aim of the in beam test * Background (core segments) trigger rate in close geometry conditions (similar to th...
Number of topics: 14

Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 13:57 (Local)

Hello AGATA Sandbox World! * This is a test, ... upps, difficult to itemize!. Is this a link to Sandbox.WebHome? This is a sentence with a wikiname and no l...
Number of topics: 1
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