The plate is cut and the plates for the rails are installed


The position of the LYCCA legs

The position of the LYCCA legs was marked on the floor plate.There is too little distance between the new rails and the front legs of the LYCCA table. The LYCCA table will be shortened to provide sufficient space for the LYCCA alignment mechanism.

Start construction of the container

Start construction of the container for the CPU farm and the pre-processing units

The beam right rails are now aligned


Checking that the rails on the left hand side are parallel

Mon 14 Nov 2011 rail alaigment Mon_14_Nov_2011_rail_alaigment1

Container walls are in place


Container roof is in place


Container air in/out holes


Prepare to cement/grout the new rails

Wen 16 Nov 2011 prepare for cementing

Ground the new rails, two plates per rail

Wen 16 Nov 2011 grounding

Slide 10 of 25

The rails on the right hand side are installed and aligned

Thu 17 Nov 2011 all rails are in place

Slide 11 of 25

Installing the new cables for the step motors and switches controlling the opening of the array

Tue 22 Nov 2011 new cables for the step motors and switches

Slide 12 of 25

Cement the new rails

Fri_24_Nov_2011_seal_for_leaks_with_si Fri_25_Nov_2011_cemen
On the left, silicone is used to seal the volume in which cement will be poured. The cement was poured on Fri 25 Nov 2011.

Slide 13 of 25

Installing the platforms for the digitizer racks and detector support

28Nov2012_right_rack_platform 28Nov2012_left_rack_platform

Slide 14 of 25

Installing the air-conditioning and electricity to the computer container

28Nov2012_cooling_unit 28Nov2012_air_tubes

Slide 15 of 25

Installing the 90 deg from the lower structure


Slide 16 of 25

The 4 racks which will be mounted on the AGATA platform are delivered


Slide 17 of 25

The electronics/CPU hut is finished and the second UPS is installed

the hut is finished second ups is installed

Slide 18 of 25

CPU farm installation

The cpu farm cpu farm terminal
cabling of the farm switch

Slide 19 of 25

The right lower platform is assembled

right lower platform

Slide 20 of 25

The racks for the electronics on the right-hand side are mounted

Mon_19_Dec_2011_the_right-hand_side racks_are_in_place
The gantries for the optic-fibres to the digitisers were installed. They are visible on the photograph to the left and right of the LYCCA cable gantry.

Slide 21 of 25

The air-conditioning for the CPU farm is on. Work has started on the cable trays for the optic-fibres

Mon_19_Dec_2011_air-conditioning_on Mon_19_Dec_2011_work_on_the_cable_trays

Slide 22 of 25

The cable trays to S4 are finished

Fri_6_2012_cable_trays_to_S4 [[] Fri_6_2012_cable_trays_in_S4]]

Slide 23 of 25

The crane motor is rotated, so the AGATA array can open further in beam left direction.

The crane motor is rotated

Slide 24 of 25

Mechanical structure mounted, honeycomb cut in 2 parts.

Mechanical structure

Slide 25 of 25

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