
Name: Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes:
TopicType label 1 TimeTracker document type  
TopicTitle text 75   title of this topic  
Summary text 75   short description of the role of this topic c
Rate text 6 100 hourly rates c,M
Tax select 1 0, 7, 19 tax fee per effort in percent c
Invoiced radio 2 no, yes flag indicating whether these efforts have already been invoiced  

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%RENDERFOREDIT{ form="Sandbox.TimeTracker" topic="Sandbox.TimeTrackerTemplate" fields="TopicTitle" format="


" TopicTitle_title="Title" }% %RENDERFOREDIT{ form="Sandbox.TimeTracker" topic="Sandbox.TimeTrackerTemplate" format="


" includeattr="\bc\b" }%

%GRID{ query="TopicType=~'\bTimeTracker\b'" columns="TopicTitle, Summary, Invoiced, Rate, Changed" rows="10" filterbar="on" toolbar="on" rownumbers="on" pager="on" width="auto" height="auto" sort="Changed" reverse="on" TopicTitle_title="Title" Summary_title="Summary" Changed_title="Changed" }%
Topic revision: r1 - 2012-09-12, UnknownUser

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