Digitizer's Manual
  • Digitiser_Manual_v1.01.pdf: DIGITIZER's MANUAL: Step-by-step procedure(s) to programme IP’s, to download bitstream to digitizer card(s), and to run the internal noise test

Digitizer's bitstreams for CORE and SEGMENTS

Digitizer's Technical Report

Noise Test Report of beam-right-rack Digitizers
  • Noise_Report_R.pdf: Noise test report of digitizers mounted on beam-right-rack (DIG#10-21)

Arrangement of all Digitizers in S4

  • OFC_Signal_Cable_scheme.pdf: This document is a pictorial representation of Optical Fiber Cable / Signal Cable connection scheme of digitizers.

I Attachment Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
Digitiser_Manual_v1.01.pdfpdf Digitiser_Manual_v1.01.pdf manage 572 K 2012-05-09 - 10:35 PushpendraPSingh DIGITIZER's MANUAL: Step-by-step procedure(s) to programme IP’s, to download bitstream to digitizer card(s), and to run the internal noise test
Noise_Report_R.pdfpdf Noise_Report_R.pdf manage 108 K 2012-05-09 - 13:53 PushpendraPSingh Noise test report of digitizers mounted on beam-right-rack (DIG#10-21)
Digitisers_IP_MAC.pdfpdf Digitisers_IP_MAC.pdf manage 83 K 2012-07-19 - 11:55 PushpendraPSingh This file contains IPs and MAC addresses of all digitizers.
OFC_Signal_Cable_scheme.pdfpdf OFC_Signal_Cable_scheme.pdf manage 76 K 2013-11-22 - 09:30 PushpendraPSingh This document is a pictorial representation of Optical Fiber Cable / Signal Cable connection scheme of digitizers.
Digitizers_Operation_Checklist.pdfpdf Digitizers_Operation_Checklist.pdf manage 37 K 2013-11-19 - 10:17 PushpendraPSingh Point wise Digitizer’s Operation check list
Look_up_table_for_Digitizers_and_AGATA_detectors.pdfpdf Look_up_table_for_Digitizers_and_AGATA_detectors.pdf manage 17 K 2013-11-19 - 10:21 PushpendraPSingh Look up table for AGATA detectors and digitizers. All information related to LVPS, power cables, digitizer locations, HV-channels, Crystal codes, bias voltage, etc are given in this table.
Temperature_of_Digitizers_on_30th_August_2012.pdfpdf Temperature_of_Digitizers_on_30th_August_2012.pdf manage 15 K 2013-11-19 - 10:23 PushpendraPSingh Temperature of Digitizers as of 30th August 2012
Digitizers_AGATA4.1.pdfpdf Digitizers_AGATA4.1.pdf manage 4 MB 2012-05-09 - 11:54 PushpendraPSingh Details of AGATA Digitizer's assembly and working principles
DIGI_SAM_CORE_v5_optionCCLK.bitbit DIGI_SAM_CORE_v5_optionCCLK.bit manage 1 MB 2012-05-09 - 11:47 PushpendraPSingh Bitstream for CORE (require to run noise test)
DIGI_SAM_SEG_v16_optionCCLK.bitbit DIGI_SAM_SEG_v16_optionCCLK.bit manage 1 MB 2012-05-09 - 11:48 PushpendraPSingh Bitstream for SEGMENT (require to run noise test)
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Topic revision: 2013-11-22, PushpendraPSingh
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