Statistics for Main Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Sorted descending
May 2018 12497 98 0 9265 WebHome
310 WebStatistics
295 WikiUsers
153 UnprocessedRegistrations
125 ZsoltPodolyak
114 PlamenSBoutachkov
 96 WikiGroups
 94 MichaeReese
 94 TugbaArici
 84 WebPreferences
 83 RegistrationAgent
 81 ElifSahin
 14 RegistrationAgent
  1 AdminUser
  1 GiorgiaPasqualato
  1 VolkerWerner
Apr 2018 10555 15 0 8844 WebHome
352 WebStatistics
173 WebSearch
113 WikiUsers
 99 WebCreateNewTopic
 62 WebPreferences
 44 UserList
 44 PeterThoeny
 41 WebNotify
 39 WebChanges
 39 TugbaArici
 13 PlamenSBoutachkov
  2 RegistrationAgent
Apr 2022 2932 16 0 1105 WebHome
150 WebCreateNewTopic
 89 WebSearch
 60 UserListByLocation
 55 UserListByDateJoined
 46 WikiUsers
 35 WebChanges
 34 HelenaAlbers
 33 PlamenSBoutachkov
 31 DanieleM
 29 ElifSahin
 12 ElifSahin
  2 WikiGuest
  2 RegistrationAgent
Sep 2020 6891 14 0 2393 WebSearch
2039 WebStatistics
902 WebHome
348 WebCreateNewTopic
229 WikiUsers
100 WebNotify
 21 WikiGroups
 20 WebPreferences
 19 PlamenSBoutachkov
 17 WebTopicList
 17 UnprocessedRegistrations
  9 ElifSahin
  3 RegistrationAgent
  2 DanieleM
Aug 2004 65 8 0   8 WikiGroups
  7 WebPreferences
  4 WebRss
  4 GroupTemplate
  3 WebStatistics
  3 WebHome
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 PeterThoeny
  7 PeterThoeny
  1 ArthurClemens
Jan 2019 11763 7 0 9134 WebHome
358 WebStatistics
300 WebSearch
157 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 UserListByDateJoined
 49 TugbaArici
 47 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 47 MichaeReese
 45 WikiGuest
 45 WikiUsers
 41 WikiGroups
  6 ElifSahin
  1 RegistrationAgent
Aug 2018 11530 8 0 9077 WebHome
391 WebStatistics
217 WebCreateNewTopic
138 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
138 WikiUsers
 96 WebChanges
 62 AdminGroup
 60 WebPreferences
 53 UserList
 53 OfficeLocations
 52 WebSearch
  6 ElifSahin
  2 RegistrationAgent
Jul 2018 8564 9 0 4141 WebHome
415 WikiUsers
397 WebSearch
332 RegistrationAgent
208 WebStatistics
183 WebCreateNewTopic
161 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
111 LoriaNn548
111 PreSpecGroup
 88 AdminGroup
 80 WebNotify
  6 ElifSahin
  2 RegistrationAgent
  1 RhiannCanavan
Jul 2014 1025 6 0 139 WebHome
 74 WebStatistics
 38 PreSpecGroup
 35 WebChanges
 35 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 WebIndex
 30 WebSearch
 25 PushpendraPSingh
 25 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 23 WebPreferences
 21 GammaSpectroscopyAdminGroup
  5 PlamenSBoutachkov
  1 RegistrationAgent
Mar 2021 3628 4 0 835 WebSearch
766 WebHome
720 WebStatistics
200 WebCreateNewTopic
143 WikiUsers
 51 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 30 WebChanges
 26 WebPreferences
 26 HelenaAlbers
 24 WikiGroups
 23 WebTopicList
  3 ElifSahin
  1 RegistrationAgent
Aug 2020 17760 4 0 15567 WebStatistics
617 WebHome
205 WikiUsers
152 WebCreateNewTopic
 82 TWikiVariables
 37 WebSearch
 37 PlamenSBoutachkov
 33 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 28 TugbaArici
 27 AdminGroup
 27 PreSpecGroup
  3 ElifSahin
  1 RegistrationAgent
Jul 2020 2002 4 0 609 WebHome
536 WebStatistics
144 WebCreateNewTopic
 37 WebSearch
 26 PlamenSBoutachkov
 22 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 20 PushpendraPSingh
 18 PreSpecGroup
 15 FredericAmeil
 12 UserListByDateJoined
 12 WebPreferences
  3 ElifSahin
  1 RegistrationAgent
Oct 2019 15403 4 0 11124 WebHome
683 RobertoMenegazzo
594 WebCreateNewTopic
360 WebSearch
297 WebStatistics
217 ChristianStahl
101 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 89 PreSpecGroup
 81 WikiUsers
 59 PlamenSBoutachkov
 54 PlamenBoutachkov
  3 PlamenSBoutachkov
  1 RegistrationAgent
Feb 2019 13153 4 0 9392 WebHome
334 WebStatistics
139 WebCreateNewTopic
130 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
103 PreSpecGroup
 80 HenningSchaffner
 67 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 66 WikiUsers
 58 UnprocessedRegistrations
 55 WebChanges
 55 PlamenBoutachkov
  3 ElifSahin
  1 RegistrationAgent
Dec 2018 12117 3 0 9448 WebHome
330 WebStatistics
 75 WebCreateNewTopic
 74 ElifSahin
 57 RegistrationAgent
 55 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 55 PlamenSBoutachkov
 54 UserListByDateJoined
 50 GiovannaBenzoni
 49 MarcLettmann
 48 CorinneLouchart
  2 ElifSahin
  1 RegistrationAgent
Jun 2018 14324 3 0 8829 WebHome
1261 WebSearch
565 WebCreateNewTopic
548 WikiUsers
409 SitePreferences
218 WebStatistics
202 WebPreferences
129 TugbaArici
125 MatthiasRudigier
 80 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 77 UserListHeader
  2 ElifSahin
  1 RegistrationAgent
Jun 2010 2788 4 0 777 WebHome
293 WebSearch
193 WikiUsers
188 OfficeLocations
187 WikiGroups
184 WebChanges
181 WebIndex
143 WebNotify
120 WebStatistics
 93 PeterThoeny
 65 WebPreferences
  2 WikiGuest
  2 ChristopherHuhn
Nov 2023 10731 3 0 9472 WebHome
146 WebCreateNewTopic
 37 WebStatistics
 24 UserListByLocation
 22 WebSearch
 21 WebChanges
 19 Huling01Huling01
 14 RegistrationAgent
 13 WikiUsers
 12 WebNotify
 10 UnknownUser
  1 Huling01Huling01
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Nov 2022 4880 2 0 1303 WebHome
519 WebCreateNewTopic
364 UnknownUser
155 WebStatistics
 76 WebSearch
 57 WebChanges
 56 UserListByLocation
 40 PlamenSBoutachkov
 37 WikiGuest
 35 FredericAmeil
 33 PreSpecGroup
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Mar 2025 18237 0 0 15295 WebHome
460 WebCreateNewTopic
161 UserListByDateJoined
154 WebChanges
105 WebStatistics
102 UserList
 93 UserListByLocation
 31 WebSearch
 27 DanieleM
 22 WebIndex
 22 KatrinWimmer
Feb 2025 32139 0 0 29326 WebHome
492 WebCreateNewTopic
461 WebChanges
 98 UserListByLocation
 74 UserList
 69 WebStatistics
 64 WebSearch
 25 MichaelArmstrong
 22 DanieleM
 21 ElifSahin
 21 PreSpecGroup
Jan 2025 21846 0 0 19033 WebHome
350 WebCreateNewTopic
156 UserListByLocation
153 WebChanges
108 WebSearch
 68 UserList
 47 MichaelArmstrong
 45 UserListByDateJoined
 42 WebStatistics
 28 BastianNeuburger
 20 PatternSkinUserViewTemplate
Dec 2024 22732 0 0 19580 WebHome
554 WebCreateNewTopic
192 WebChanges
 54 DanielaReygadas
 52 WebStatistics
 44 MichaelArmstrong
 37 ElifSahin
 35 UserList
 34 AdminGroup
 32 TuomasGrahn
 32 JelenaVesic
Nov 2024 23233 0 0 17598 WebHome
1809 WebSearch
638 WebCreateNewTopic
443 UserListByDateJoined
163 WebChanges
 50 WebStatistics
 30 MichaelArmstrong
 30 WikiGroups
 30 ElifSahin
 29 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 26 DanieleM
Oct 2024 21898 0 0 18916 WebHome
1440 UserListByDateJoined
169 WebCreateNewTopic
 57 WebChanges
 47 WebStatistics
 32 WebSearch
 28 HenningSchaffner
 28 MichaelArmstrong
 22 PlamenSBoutachkov
 20 NobodyGroup
 20 SudiptaSaha
Sep 2024 20222 0 0 18073 WebHome
298 WebCreateNewTopic
192 WebChanges
 47 MichaelArmstrong
 38 WebStatistics
 29 WebSearch
 28 PlamenSBoutachkov
 23 WikiGuest
 22 HenningSchaffner
 22 IvanKojouharov
 21 BastianNeuburger
Aug 2024 21727 0 0 18648 WebHome
470 WebCreateNewTopic
250 WebChanges
131 WikiGuest
121 PlamenSBoutachkov
 99 UserListByLocation
 88 WebStatistics
 70 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 57 MichaelArmstrong
 47 WebSearch
 32 UserListByDateJoined
Jul 2024 20009 0 0 18626 WebHome
131 WikiGuest
100 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 64 WebCreateNewTopic
 60 WebChanges
 42 WebStatistics
 35 MichaelArmstrong
 31 PlamenSBoutachkov
 26 PreSpecGroup
 17 WikiGroups
 16 NatasaLalovic
Jun 2024 20362 0 0 18201 WebHome
224 WebCreateNewTopic
137 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
135 WikiGuest
 39 MichaelArmstrong
 36 WebStatistics
 34 PreSpecGroup
 33 PlamenSBoutachkov
 25 PeterThoeny
 24 WebChanges
 22 PatternSkinUserViewTemplate
May 2024 22496 0 0 19528 WebHome
407 WebCreateNewTopic
161 PreSpecGroup
 86 WebStatistics
 66 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 65 UserListByDateJoined
 59 PlamenSBoutachkov
 59 WikiGuest
 40 PeterThoeny
 37 UserListByLocation
 37 WebChanges
Apr 2024 14344 0 0 10973 WebHome
516 WebCreateNewTopic
166 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 83 WebStatistics
 72 PlamenSBoutachkov
 66 WebChanges
 63 UserListByLocation
 58 UserListByDateJoined
 56 WikiGuest
 51 PreSpecGroup
 48 WebSearch
Mar 2024 12497 0 0 10632 WebHome
196 WebCreateNewTopic
 48 WebStatistics
 31 WebChanges
 26 UserListByLocation
 26 WikiUsers
 25 WebNotify
 24 UnprocessedRegistrations
 21 WebSearch
 21 SitePreferences
 19 WebPreferences
Feb 2024 10012 0 0 9003 WebHome
125 WebCreateNewTopic
 40 WebSearch
 36 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 28 WebStatistics
 14 WebChanges
 14 WebTopicList
 14 WebLeftBarExample
 12 UserListByLocation
 10 KathrinWimmer
  9 WikiGuest
Jan 2024 11313 0 0 9849 WebHome
102 WebCreateNewTopic
 57 WebStatistics
 25 Huling01Huling01
 24 UserListByLocation
 24 WebChanges
 23 KathrinWimmer
 22 PlamenSBoutachkov
 21 WikiGuest
 20 WebSearch
 18 AdminUser
Dec 2023 18525 0 0 11803 WebHome
4230 WebStatistics
282 UserListByDateJoined
265 UserListByLocation
247 UserList
218 WebCreateNewTopic
 36 KathrinWimmer
 28 Huling01Huling01
 28 WebLeftBarExample
 26 WebIndex
 23 VolkerWerner
Oct 2023 12741 0 0 10031 WebHome
454 WebCreateNewTopic
106 WebStatistics
 49 WebChanges
 45 WebSearch
 44 UserListByLocation
 28 AdminUser
 26 PlamenSBoutachkov
 25 WikiGuest
 25 WikiUsers
 25 DanieleM
Sep 2023 11117 0 0 9711 WebHome
244 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 WebStatistics
 24 UserListByLocation
 20 WebSearch
 15 PlamenSBoutachkov
 15 PreSpecGroup
 14 WikiGuest
 14 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 13 WebChanges
 11 AdminUserLeftBar
Aug 2023 10753 0 0 9584 WebHome
 72 WebCreateNewTopic
 44 WebStatistics
 35 WebSearch
 24 UserListByLocation
 14 LuisSarmiento
 13 WebChanges
 12 UnprocessedRegistrations
 12 MartaPolettini
 11 WebNotify
 11 WikiUsers
Jul 2023 11972 0 0 9996 WebHome
298 WebCreateNewTopic
134 WebStatistics
 46 WebSearch
 36 WebNotify
 33 WikiUsers
 32 WebChanges
 30 MartaPolettini
 27 PlamenSBoutachkov
 24 AdminUser
 23 WebTopicList
Jun 2023 11478 0 0 9746 WebHome
239 WebCreateNewTopic
102 WebStatistics
 26 WebSearch
 20 PlamenSBoutachkov
 17 WikiGuest
 17 WikiUsers
 17 MartaPolettini
 16 AdminUser
 16 JelenaVesic
 15 WebNotify
May 2023 12312 0 0 9873 WebHome
375 WebCreateNewTopic
119 WebStatistics
 49 WebSearch
 47 UserListByLocation
 46 UserListByDateJoined
 43 WebChanges
 38 UserList
 29 WebNotify
 26 AdminUser
 26 WikiUsers
Apr 2023 10638 0 0 9375 WebHome
203 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 WebStatistics
 37 WebSearch
 17 WikiUsers
 17 WebChanges
 16 AdminUser
 15 UserListByLocation
 14 AndrewMistry
 13 AdminGroup
 13 PreSpecGroup
Mar 2023 11763 0 0 9786 WebHome
292 WebCreateNewTopic
126 WebStatistics
 71 WebSearch
 43 WebNotify
 37 UserListByLocation
 34 PlamenSBoutachkov
 24 JelenaVesic
 23 WebChanges
 23 RegistrationAgent
 20 MartaPolettini
Feb 2023 10631 0 0 8995 WebHome
219 WebCreateNewTopic
125 WebStatistics
 40 WebSearch
 30 WebChanges
 26 WebNotify
 22 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 22 UserListByLocation
 21 PlamenSBoutachkov
 20 RegistrationAgent
 20 MartaPolettini
Jan 2023 12666 0 0 9910 WebHome
468 WebCreateNewTopic
107 WebStatistics
 65 WebChanges
 62 WebSearch
 46 UserListByDateJoined
 44 UserListByLocation
 43 PlamenSBoutachkov
 43 UserList
 35 WikiGuest
 34 PreSpecGroup
Dec 2022 7723 0 0 6051 WebHome
200 WebCreateNewTopic
 90 WebStatistics
 39 WebSearch
 29 UserListByLocation
 27 MartaPolettini
 23 PlamenSBoutachkov
 21 DanieleM
 21 RegistrationAgent
 21 AdminUser
 20 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
Oct 2022 2608 0 0 1214 WebHome
 83 WebStatistics
 63 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 WebSearch
 36 WebChanges
 28 PlamenSBoutachkov
 26 WikiGuest
 22 UnknownUser
 21 FredericAmeil
 21 WebPreferences
 20 PreSpecGroup
Sep 2022 4699 0 0 1153 WebHome
602 WebCreateNewTopic
265 WebStatistics
159 WebSearch
120 UserListByLocation
 59 CesarDomingo
 57 UserListByDateJoined
 53 UserList
 42 WebChanges
 34 ElifSahin
 29 KathrinWimmer
Aug 2022 3579 0 0 1317 WebHome
251 WebStatistics
232 WebCreateNewTopic
103 UserListByLocation
 84 WebSearch
 56 CesarDomingo
 27 PlamenSBoutachkov
 25 KathrinWimmer
 25 DanieleM
 21 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 20 HelenaAlbers
Jul 2022 3681 0 0 1053 WebHome
377 WebCreateNewTopic
194 WebStatistics
105 WebSearch
 96 UserListByLocation
 60 CesarDomingo
 30 UserListByDateJoined
 30 PlamenSBoutachkov
 27 WikiUsers
 26 UserList
 23 WikiGuest
Jun 2022 2908 0 0 934 WebHome
324 WebCreateNewTopic
221 WebStatistics
 83 UserListByLocation
 77 WebSearch
 23 CesarDomingo
 21 WikiGuest
 19 UserListByDateJoined
 17 UserList
 16 PreSpecGroup
 16 UnprocessedRegistrations
May 2022 3835 0 0 1092 WebHome
320 WebCreateNewTopic
280 WebSearch
243 WebStatistics
 62 UserListByLocation
 47 UserListByDateJoined
 42 UserList
 41 WebChanges
 32 GuangxinZhang
 30 PlamenSBoutachkov
 26 DanieleM
Mar 2022 166 0 0 124 WebHome
  3 PlamenSBoutachkov
  2 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
  2 WikiGuest
  2 PreSpecGroup
  2 WebStatistics
  1 FredericAmeil
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebChanges
  1 PlamenBoutachkov
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
Feb 2022 3799 0 0 804 WebHome
617 WebStatistics
434 WebCreateNewTopic
284 WebSearch
180 WikiUsers
 70 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 47 WebChanges
 40 WebNotify
 35 PreSpecGroup
 33 PlamenSBoutachkov
 28 AdminUser
Jan 2022 3629 0 0 993 WebStatistics
792 WebHome
417 WebCreateNewTopic
185 WikiUsers
 47 WebSearch
 34 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 34 UserListByLocation
 32 AdminGroup
 29 WebChanges
 26 PlamenSBoutachkov
 25 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
Dec 2021 4448 0 0 1353 WebStatistics
913 WebHome
521 WebCreateNewTopic
217 WebSearch
 83 WikiUsers
 53 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 47 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 38 PlamenSBoutachkov
 37 GammaSpectroscopyAdminGroup
 36 WebChanges
 35 MarcLettmann
Nov 2021 3388 0 0 1151 WebStatistics
859 WebHome
163 WikiUsers
153 WebCreateNewTopic
 67 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 39 WebChanges
 32 WebSearch
 23 AdminGroup
 22 WebNotify
 22 WikiGroups
 21 PeterThoeny
Oct 2021 2807 0 0 1190 WebStatistics
860 WebHome
119 WebCreateNewTopic
 36 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 29 UnprocessedRegistrations
 27 WikiUsers
 24 PlamenSBoutachkov
 23 PreSpecGroup
 23 WikiGuest
 22 WebSearch
 21 WebChanges
Sep 2021 6496 0 0 1868 WebSearch
1390 WebStatistics
1101 WebHome
374 WikiUsers
352 WebCreateNewTopic
 53 WebChanges
 38 PlamenSBoutachkov
 36 PreSpecGroup
 35 AdminGroup
 32 WikiGroups
 31 WebNotify
Aug 2021 4661 0 0 1468 WebStatistics
1156 WebHome
336 WikiUsers
320 WebSearch
114 WebCreateNewTopic
 43 AdminGroup
 38 PreSpecGroup
 31 WebChanges
 30 FileAttachment
 28 HelenaAlbers
 27 VolkerWerner
Jul 2021 5182 0 0 1819 WebSearch
989 WebHome
775 WebStatistics
317 WebCreateNewTopic
300 WikiUsers
 30 AdminGroup
 30 PreSpecGroup
 29 HelenaAlbers
 27 WebChanges
 23 WikiGroups
 22 AdminUser
Jun 2021 3222 0 0 921 WebHome
828 WebStatistics
543 WebSearch
134 WikiUsers
129 WebCreateNewTopic
 27 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 20 WebLeftBarExample
 16 WebChanges
 16 NorbertPietralla
 16 CorinneLouchart
 15 WebPreferences
May 2021 4410 0 0 1271 WebStatistics
878 WebSearch
812 WebHome
261 WikiUsers
211 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 AdminGroup
 35 DanieleM
 34 WebNotify
 32 WebChanges
 29 WebPreferences
 28 WebTopicList
Apr 2021 3773 0 0 1000 WebStatistics
785 WebHome
258 WebCreateNewTopic
210 WebSearch
 85 WikiUsers
 60 WebChanges
 59 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 46 PreSpecGroup
 37 PlamenSBoutachkov
 35 WebPreferences
 33 FredericAmeil
Feb 2021 1828 0 0 631 WebHome
296 WebStatistics
 71 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 WikiUsers
 34 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 32 UnprocessedRegistrations
 29 HelenaAlbers
 28 WebPreferences
 25 WebSearch
 19 AdminGroup
 19 WebChanges
Jan 2021 1790 0 0 740 WebHome
216 WebStatistics
 75 WebCreateNewTopic
 44 WebSearch
 29 WikiUsers
 20 WebTopicList
 19 WebChanges
 18 WikiGroups
 17 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
 16 PlamenSBoutachkov
Dec 2020 3753 0 0 996 WebStatistics
735 WebHome
120 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
117 WebCreateNewTopic
 83 WebSearch
 77 TWikiVariables
 64 WikiUsers
 61 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 56 AdminGroup
 55 WebChanges
 55 WebNotify
Nov 2020 6029 0 0 3837 WebStatistics
693 WebHome
288 WebSearch
107 WebChanges
102 MatthiasRudigier
 96 WebNotify
 90 IvanKojouharov
 60 WebCreateNewTopic
 59 WikiUsers
 39 TWikiVariables
 26 WikiGroups
Oct 2020 20047 0 0 17439 WebStatistics
747 WebHome
417 WebSearch
180 WebCreateNewTopic
 90 WebNotify
 71 TWikiVariables
 70 IvanKojouharov
 52 WikiUsers
 50 WebChanges
 44 MatthiasRudigier
 41 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
Jun 2020 2958 0 0 988 WebSearch
543 WebHome
382 WebCreateNewTopic
203 WikiUsers
177 WebStatistics
 22 PlamenSBoutachkov
 13 WikiGuest
 13 WikiGroups
 12 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 11 WebChanges
 10 WebPreferences
May 2020 1439 0 0 611 WebHome
209 WebStatistics
 63 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 WikiUsers
 21 RobertoMenegazzo
 18 TugbaArici
 17 PlamenSBoutachkov
 16 ElifSahin
 15 WebSearch
 13 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 11 PreSpecGroup
Apr 2020 7569 0 0 6470 WebHome
217 WebStatistics
 51 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 51 WikiUsers
 45 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 PreSpecGroup
 25 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 25 WebSearch
 22 UnprocessedRegistrations
 22 PlamenSBoutachkov
 21 AdminGroup
Mar 2020 13952 0 0 12860 WebHome
171 WebSearch
154 WebStatistics
149 WebCreateNewTopic
 27 UserListByDateJoined
 27 ElifSahin
 22 TugbaArici
 18 WikiUsers
 16 PreSpecGroup
 15 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 14 TobiasHabermann
Feb 2020 11689 0 0 10373 WebHome
223 WebStatistics
163 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 30 ElifSahin
 28 PlamenSBoutachkov
 27 WebSearch
 26 PreSpecGroup
 23 UserListByDateJoined
 22 TugbaArici
 21 WikiGuest
Jan 2020 12522 0 0 11268 WebHome
203 WebSearch
161 WebStatistics
 83 WebCreateNewTopic
 47 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 34 PreSpecGroup
 33 WikiUsers
 25 SitePreferences
 25 TugbaArici
 23 ElifSahin
 20 PlamenBoutachkov
Dec 2019 17278 0 0 13332 WebHome
1881 WebSearch
275 WebCreateNewTopic
260 WebStatistics
213 WikiUsers
 59 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 54 PreSpecGroup
 38 PlamenSBoutachkov
 34 PeterThoeny
 34 ElifSahin
 32 WikiGuest
Nov 2019 11478 0 0 9253 WebHome
272 WebStatistics
195 WebCreateNewTopic
 92 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 75 WikiUsers
 60 PreSpecGroup
 42 AdminGroup
 42 PlamenSBoutachkov
 39 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 39 WebNotify
 37 WebChanges
Sep 2019 12893 0 0 10467 WebHome
439 WebStatistics
216 WebCreateNewTopic
 91 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 65 PreSpecGroup
 58 WikiUsers
 50 WebChanges
 47 WebNotify
 38 PlamenSBoutachkov
 37 WebSearch
 32 VolkerWerner
Aug 2019 11625 0 0 10615 WebHome
368 WebStatistics
 74 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 UserListByDateJoined
 18 HenningSchaffner
 18 TobiasHabermann
 18 PlamenSBoutachkov
 17 PreSpecGroup
 15 PavlosKoseoglou
 15 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 15 WikiGuest
Jul 2019 13226 0 0 11742 WebHome
414 WebStatistics
109 WebSearch
104 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 WikiUsers
 39 SaneeshNedumbally
 37 SitePreferences
 27 WebChanges
 24 EdanaMerchan
 22 WebTopicList
 21 UserListByDateJoined
Jun 2019 13230 0 0 11108 WebHome
464 WebStatistics
247 WikiUsers
 72 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 68 WebCreateNewTopic
 62 SitePreferences
 48 WebChanges
 45 UserListByDateJoined
 44 GiuliaGuastalla
 42 PlamenSBoutachkov
 37 PreSpecGroup
May 2019 12449 0 0 11170 WebHome
229 WebStatistics
 79 WikiUsers
 35 WebCreateNewTopic
 33 UserHomepageHeader
 27 TugbaArici
 25 UserListByDateJoined
 24 WikiGuest
 24 PlamenSBoutachkov
 23 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 23 TobiasHabermann
Apr 2019 12958 0 0 10783 WebHome
296 WebStatistics
280 WebSearch
141 WebCreateNewTopic
 57 WikiUsers
 38 HenningSchaffner
 33 GammaSpectroscopyAdminGroup
 32 PushpendraPSingh
 32 VolkerWerner
 32 WikiGuest
 30 WebChanges
Mar 2019 7599 0 0 5455 WebHome
674 WebStatistics
 68 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 46 DanieleMengoni
 39 TugbaArici
 39 UserHomepageHeader
 37 DamianRalet
 36 StephanePietri
 31 WebChanges
 27 LuisSarmiento
Nov 2018 10428 0 0 8802 WebHome
256 WebStatistics
 72 PatternSkinUserViewTemplate
 60 GiuliaGuastalla
 52 RegistrationAgent
 51 LoriaNn548
 44 BobbyTyrell
 40 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 34 WebCreateNewTopic
 33 PlamenSBoutachkov
 31 ElifSahin
Oct 2018 12736 0 0 8958 WebHome
342 WebStatistics
174 PreSpecGroup
157 SitePreferences
141 PlamenSBoutachkov
135 VolkerWerner
111 WebCreateNewTopic
 92 WolframKorten
 89 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 85 HenningSchaffner
 80 WebLeftBarExample
Sep 2018 10900 0 0 7758 WebHome
406 WebStatistics
218 WebCreateNewTopic
172 MagdaGorska
169 WebSearch
 82 HenningSchaffner
 75 ElifSahin
 64 WikiUsers
 63 GiorgiaPasqualato
 59 TugbaArici
 51 IvanKojouharov
Mar 2018 11006 0 0 8914 WebHome
375 WebStatistics
167 WikiUsers
 93 WebCreateNewTopic
 72 PeterThoeny
 56 WebNotify
 54 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 50 WebPreferences
 48 PreSpecGroup
 45 WebChanges
 38 TugbaArici
Feb 2018 7487 0 0 2466 WebHome
810 WebStatistics
491 WikiUsers
227 WebCreateNewTopic
174 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
126 PeterThoeny
126 WebNotify
123 FileAttachment
116 WebSearch
100 PreSpecGroup
 92 AdminGroup
Jan 2018 8196 0 0 1119 WebStatistics
1012 WikiUsers
473 WebCreateNewTopic
407 WebHome
379 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
238 AdminGroup
230 WebSearch
194 WebNotify
186 FileAttachment
146 PeterThoeny
140 PreSpecGroup
Dec 2017 6918 0 0 916 WikiUsers
733 WebStatistics
413 WebCreateNewTopic
353 WebHome
352 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
214 AdminGroup
186 WebSearch
184 WebNotify
133 FileAttachment
123 PreSpecGroup
116 PeterThoeny
Nov 2017 4390 0 0 1363 WebStatistics
390 WikiUsers
377 WebSearch
294 WebHome
243 WebCreateNewTopic
121 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
 73 WebNotify
 63 AdminGroup
 52 WebChanges
 49 TWikiVariables
 45 PreSpecGroup
Oct 2017 5300 0 0 575 WebHome
370 WebStatistics
336 WikiUsers
320 WebCreateNewTopic
269 WebSearch
249 TWikiVariables
245 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
128 WebNotify
114 AdminGroup
102 WebChanges
 98 PreSpecGroup
Sep 2017 4038 0 0 1124 WebSearch
312 WebHome
309 WebCreateNewTopic
307 WikiUsers
152 GammaSpectroscopyGroup
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Jan 2015 1456 0 0 516 TWikiVariables
225 WebStatistics
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